- If the child has returned from an international trip abroad (excluding Northern Ireland), please consider if the child should return to hockey within the 14 days following your return to Ireland
- The child should not attend a training session if they are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19:
- E.g. Fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, headache, fatigue
- Children attend at their own risk
- Drop the child and go
- Social distancing must be upheld outside the pitch and outside the field of play
- Under no circumstances are spectators permitted inside the pitch
- Do not loiter or gather in the car park
- Children who are in the high risk or very high-risk group (see HSE guidelines) should not attend training
- Players should travel to and from training with members of the same household only
- If you have returned from an international trip abroad (excluding travel from Northern Ireland), please consider if you should return to hockey within the 14 days following your return to Ireland
- No not attend a training session if you have symptoms of COVID-19:
- E.g. Fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, headache, fatigue
- Players attend at their own risk
- If you are a member of the high risk or very high-risk group, you should not attend training (see HSE guidelines)
- The session continues as normal on field of play
- No handshaking or spitting permitted
- Social distancing should be observed during team huddles
- No shared equipment – DO NOT share water bottles, food etc.
- Bibs, masks, goalie gear, gloves, shin guards are not to be shared
- Bring minimal equipment to the pitch
- Stick bags, handbags, school bags, backpacks etc. should NOT be brough to the pitch
- The use of dugouts is not permitted
- Personal equipment should be kept separate from others in a designated area on the slide-lines
- Do not discard jackets, hoodies, tracksuit pants on the side of the pitch
- Bring your own hand sanitiser
- Good hand hygiene should be practices before and after each session and by all using the field of play
- Shin guards and mouth guards must be worn at all times and not removed during the session
- Do not remove your mouth guard during the session
- At the end of the session remove the mouth guard and sanitise your hands
- Short corners may take place – each player must have their own mask
- Goalkeepers must use their own gear
- Coach handles all on-pitch equipment (including goals and flags)
- Ball-collections should be performed using sticks only, do not touch the hockey balls with your hands
- Coaches should disinfect their hands after handling equipment
- It is recommended that equipment is disinfected before and after use
- Manager or designated first aid officer handles first aid kit only
- Personal equipment should be kept separate from others in a designated area on the side-lines (the use of dugouts is not permitted)
- Use of dugouts or enclosed facilities (e.g. clubhouse, changing facilities) is not permitted